High Energy Venturi Scrubber
The High Energy Venturi Scrubber is ideally suited to the capture of small particles less than 3 microns in size. It is effective as well in the submicron range and requires little or no maintenance.
Jet Venturi Scrubber
The Jet Venturi Scrubber utilizes a liquid motivated ejector design to entrain contaminated gases, generally without the need for a blower.
Packed Tower Scrubber
The Clean Air Group, LLC Packed Tower Gas Absorber utilizes a vertical counter-current design for highly efficient absorption of a variety of toxic gases.
Integrated Systems
CR Clean Air Group offers you the choice of purchasing the custom-engineered equipment units only, or an entire integrated system ready to go, essentially “plug-n-play”.
High Energy Venturi Scrubber
The High Energy Venturi Scrubber is ideally suited to the capture of small particles less than 3 microns in size. It is effective as well in the submicron range and requires little or no maintenance. F
Jet Venturi Scrubber
The Jet Venturi Scrubber utilizes a liquid motivated ejector design to entrain contaminated gases, generally without the need for a blower.
Packed Tower
The Clean Air Group, LLC Packed Tower Gas Absorber utilizes a vertical counter-current design for highly efficient absorption of a variety of toxic gases.